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A funny dog sitting on the grass. Engr.AGADA,Sunday Ojonimi (PNHA,ASME,COREN)
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Ikani E-voting Core Apparatus is an award winning made in Nigering electronic voting system. Ikani E-voting came 3rd in the enterprenure category in the 2018 technology Expo ... organised by the Federal ministry of Science and Technoly In March 5th-9th 2018 at the Eagle Square Fedral Secretariate Complex, Central area Abuja, Nigeria. In view of the violence and stealing of ballot papers in recent times in Nigeria, there is a need to design and E-voting system to cope with this anomalies. Ikani E-Voting sytem provides a voting platform that gurantees safety of preciouse life and properties while providing a cost effective voting regime as cost relating to logistics are reduced to the bearest minimum for the Government. Politics is not a do or die affairs. Ikani E-voting algorithm provides equal playing ground for all. Transpiracy, accountability and fareness is our watch word. Furthermore, this system uses Androids phone to carry out the voting exercise. The Android App allows the electorates or voters to register prio to voting exercise on their Android with their voting INEC cards number, this information will be saved to an online server. Once registered, voters become eligible to vote and can cast their franchise during voting exercise even from the comfort of their rooms. However, ineligible voter will be blocked out of the voting exercise. This system provides oppurtunity for Nigerians in Diaspora to also carry uout their constitutional duties as IKANI E-Voting Core Apparatus has briged the gap. Distance is no longer a barrier. In this design, off line and online data collating system has also been developed. This is a term used to describe how places and villages whose voters are not schooled to use the android system can get their voting also semi automated by casting their votes using the ballot system. in this case, there will be a voting template were voting result will be recorded with a marker pen; all authorised agent will firstly take the picture of the template with the data and thereafter enter the data previously snapped on the androind collating system for onward transmition for automatic collation. Finally, on the front end of the server and database system, the number of accredited voters are displayed and the countdown is also updated automatically while voting exercise will be ongoing.Results of votingb are displayed automatically. Well readers, you will agree with me that this is what our Country need at this time. Thanks- Engr Agada,S.O





IKANI ECOSAD is an Engine contactless overspeed aleert, speeed limiting device and security android based GPS solutions.

IKANI ECOSLDA is an innovative way of preventing road traffic crash (RTC) using the e-tracking algorithm the copy right of Engr Agada S.O. ECOSALDA is the acronyms for Engine Contactless Overspeed Limit Device Application.Ikani Ecoslda puts all factors responsible for causing RTC such ... as bad road infrastructure, overspeeding/lack of preventing maintenance and Barriers, into consideration to formulate a wholestic solutions for mitigating road traffic crash (RTC) in Nigeria.


IKANI MEV & GIS is an innovative way carrying out Projects and Programs Monitoring,Evaluation and Verification with Geographical Information System for Capital Projects, FEC Approved Projects, Zonal Intervention and Constituency Projects. An Android based data Logger has been designed to provide all programs and Projects information... data with their Global Positioning System (GPS). These data is parsed to the server, stakeholders such as the Presidency, Accountant General, Budget Office and The National Assembly can then have direct access to all the projects on going and executed with their level of percentage excution. This design provides the GPS marker of all Projects and Programs, The status picture, and detail table of executed project yearly. IKANI MEV & GIS will provide a feed back mechanism for all parties in the Executing, Monitoring and Verifing chain.




IKANI E-Voting Core apparatus is a Copy Right of Engr Agada Sunday Ojonimi


Nowadays Test, and Examination are conducted using the PC. With the advent of smart phones things need to be done more smarter, convinent and hazzle free. In view of this therefore, IKANI Android Computer based Test is introduced. Unlike the conventional Computer based test, Ikani Android base Test provides ...a more robost way of carrying out Test and Examination at the lowest possible cost. This system with the GPS functionality on android IOS and Window phone uses this to create a geo fencing to ensure that all test and Examinations are done at designated centers. All results prior to released are checked to ensure that they are not taken outside the exam venues. Start Time and End time for exam are highly automated and cannot be influenced. this no doubt will curb the incesent examination malpractce experienced in our school systems and other relevant Agencies saddled with the responsibilities of conducting Exams. Futhermore this will creat a platform for national quiz, provide mobile platform for student to practice exam questiuon papers on the move when the hard copy of the question papers is not handy.





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